julio 29, 2014

Get Help If You Are Suffering From Impotence


Both men and women may suffer from impotence at some point in their lives. For men it may take the form of an inability to have an erection or sustain one, or to be able to ejaculate. Women may experience a lack of libido/sex drive, declining interest in sex or pain during sex. At any point a man or woman may be unable to achieve orgasm. These are all symptoms of impotence.

Impotence may cause anxiety about sex, lack of self-esteem and much frustration to oneself and another that you are sexually involved with. Getting help for impotence is the start to identifying the cause of impotence and treatment for a healthier sex life.
Steps to getting help for impotence
There are four basic steps to getting help for impotence that include:
  • Acknowledging that you are suffering from impotence
  • Talk with a professional, such as a General Practitioner (GP), about impotence
  • Be willing to have assessment or evaluation to identify the cause of impotence
  • Engage in treatment options for impotence to improve sexual experience
Acknowledge the problem
The hardest part for some people is acknowledging that they are suffering from impotence. An inability to perform sexually may lower self-esteem and cause relationship conflicts. By accepting that help is needed, you may move a step closer to peace of mind and better sexual health.
Talk with a professional
Health professionals listen with empathy, maintain confidentiality and make referrals for assessment to identify the cause of impotence.
Identify the cause of impotence
The causes of impotence vary and may be physical, psychological or both. By being professional assessed by a health practitioner who specialises in impotence may the cause of impotence be identified for proper treatment.
Engage in treatment options
Once the cause of impotence is identified, the right treatment may be provided for greater sexual satisfaction. There are choices in treatments that include counselling, medication and devices.

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